Our Specialist Maritime Team

Our independence, paired with our considerable sector knowledge and experience, enables us to develop fresh insights, challenge established thinking and identify opportunities that may otherwise go unrecognised.



Main Office

Phone: +64 9 377 4132
Email: contact@navigatusconsulting.com

Geraint Bermingham

Geraint Bermingham

Risk management, systems and technical

Phone: +64 21 88 44 25
Email: g.bermingham@navigatusconsulting.com


Geraint has about 35 years of formal risk management experience in complex organisational and technological settings. He gained this experience during 20 years as a Royal Navy nuclear submarine officer, and subsequently with Air New Zealand. Subsequent risk management focus has been in the maritime and aviation sectors as well as more broadly covering organisational risk management and risk governance.

Geraint’s naval experience included time both as a systems technician and as a graduate systems engineer, licenced nuclear propulsion  supervisor and chartered member of the IMarE. Sea experience was also gained on both large surface ships. His last navy posting was as a squadron engineer with responsibly for the assurance, support and operation of a flotilla of 13 nuclear and conventional submarines. He also held roles in site and nuclear safety and nuclear emergency response.  Later maritime operational experience includes roles as the safety manager for the attempted salvage of the RENA, as the operations manager for the salvage of the KEA TRADER off of New Caledonia, regional harbourmaster for Otago and the development of maritime safety management systems and safety cases.

Geraint’s experience both in operational and consulting roles within civil aviation has enabled him to apply leading aviation safety and assurance management thinking and methods to the maritime sector, while his engineering background enables a systems approach to problem solving.

Geraint was the New Zealand representative for the development of the first global risk management standard ISO31000 (risk management), assisted the Australian delegation on the development of ISO31010 (risk assessment techniques)  and has been the Chair of the national professional body, Risk NZ.

Having sailed since childhood Geraint as a natural affinity for the sea.

Adam Flaws

Adam Flaws

MPOSA lead and vessel operations

Phone: +61 417 175 816
Email: a.flaws@navigatusconsulting.com

Specialist Consultant

Adam is a former naval officer with experience in maritime command in a wide range of situations. He takes a solutions-based approach to problems, applying his situational assessment, strategic level planning and decision-making abilities. Given his wide array of experience in a number of roles, Adam is comfortable with working in complex and uncertain situations to deliver client objectives across all industries.

Operational excellence is a key focus, including Pilotage and organisational Health and Safety performance. This draws on Adam’s experience in leading the development and implementation of Health and Safety Risk Management in multiple leadership roles and as a navigation specialist with the RNZN.

Adam is Navigatus’ Specialist Navigation Consultant and leads the development of the company’s advanced on-line pilotage tool – Maritime Pilot Operational Safety Assurance (MPOSA) and supports our MPOSA customers.

He also brings excellent relationship building and communication skills to the Navigatus Maritime team.

Josh Mills

Josh Mills

Analysis and data science

Phone: +64 21 253 6994
Email: j.mills@navigatusconsulting.com

Data Scientist

Josh is a mathematician by training and brings strong analytical and problem-solving skills to a wide range of projects. Having successfully completed navigational risk analysis models for Ports of Auckland Limited and New Zealand King Salmon, and oil spill risk assessments for Transport for NSW and Lamor Corporation, Josh has developed considerable experience in GIS analysis and geographic risk profiling with Navigatus.

David Spencer

David Spencer

Data Scientist

Phone: 021 025 007 40
Email: d.spencer@navigatusconsulting.com

Data Scientist

David is a mathematics specialist with experience in numerical and analytical problem-solving. Since joining Navigatus, he has undertaken a range of projects have been related to a range of areas such as maritime transport risk, cyber security, and border controls. David has gained experience working on complex, analytic projects and skills in analytics, probability, statistics, and research.

Kevin Oldham

Kevin Oldham

Regulatory and compliance

Phone: +64 21 22 55 001
Email: k.oldham@navigatusconsulting.com


Kevin brings expertise in maritime safety systems, stakeholder engagement, and regulatory affairs. He has a strong interest in practical, evidence-led decision making and brings a strong understanding of regulatory and statutory consenting processes.

Kevin has led numerous maritime risk assessments, including at the ports of Melbourne, Auckland and Bluff,

Kevin has been a harbourmaster in both Otago and in Gisborne and is a member of OB007, the Australia New Zealand joint standards committee for risk management. He has led oil spill risk assessments by Navigatus for the entire coastlines of New Zealand, most Australian states and for the Red Sea.

Ed Rafferty

Ed Rafferty

Associate (Director Inception Consulting)

Asset and Reliability Consultant

Ed is a certified Reliability-centred Maintenance II practitioner (an international recognised risk-based asset management tool) and has extensive experience in systems reliability management across a range of sectors including naval and civil maritime where he can also bring his experience developed in the aviation and power generation sectors.
He has a history of actively solving complex engineering, operational and asset management problems associated with assets including naval vessels and support power generation equipment, gas turbines and associated plant and equipment. Ed’s extensive engineering management experience has resulted in sound engineering and other professional judgement.
He also has expertise in the development of operational risk assessments and implementation of mitigation plans including for naval surface ships.